巴基斯坦石油集团(PSO)的创建可以追溯到1974年1月1日。政府接管了巴基斯坦国家石油公司(PNO)和达伍德石油有限公司(DPL),将其合并为Premiereoil Company Limited (POCL),并设立旗下子公司PSO润滑油集团。
此后不久,1974年6月3日,石油存储开发公司(PSDC)成立。1976年8月23日,PSDC被更名为State Oil company Limited(SOCL)。此后,1976年9月15日购买了ESSO事业,并将控制权归属于SOCL,那年年底(1976年12月30日),Premier Oil company Limited和State Oil companyLimited合并,让位给巴基斯坦国家石油公司旗下子公司PSO润滑油集团。

The establishment of Pakistan Petroleum Group (PSO) dates back to January 1,1974.The government took overPakistan National Petroleum Corporation (PNO) and Dawood Petroleum Co., Ltd.(DPL), merged them into premieroil Company Limited (POCl), and established its subsidiary PSO lubricating oil group.
Shortly thereafter, on June 3,1974, the petroleum storage and development company (PSDC) was established.OnAugust 23,1976,PSDC was renamed State oil Company Limited (SOcl). Thereafter, on September 15,1976, thecompany purchased Esso business and vested the control in SOCI. At the end of that year(December 30,1976),Premier oil Company Limited and State oil Company Limited merged and gave way to PSO lubricating oil group, asubsidiary of Pakistan National Petroleum Corporation.
After the establishment of PSO, the company's culture has undergone a comprehensive renewal plan, which wasfully implemented in 2004.Over the years, the plan includes the adjustment of organizational structure, rationaliza-tion of employees, employee authorization and transparency of decision-making of cross functional teams.Thenew company renewal plan divides the company's main business into independent activities and is supported bylegal, financial, information and other services. In order to strengthen and monitor this structural change, relevantchecks and balances have been established through the consolidation of monitoring and control systems.
lt is due to the effective implementation of the company's reform and the continuous application of best industrialpractices and business development strategies that PSO can maintain its market leading position in the highlycompetitive lubricating oil business environment.

  • January 1,1974

    The federal government took over the management of PNO (Pakistan Nationa o)and DPL(Dawood Petroleum Limited), renamed into POCL(Premier Oil Company Limited) under marketing of Petroleum Products (Federal Control Act, 1974).

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  • June 6,1974

    The government incorporates "Petroleum Storage Development Corporation'PsSDc.

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  • August 23,1976

    PScDC renamed to State Oil Company Limited (socL).

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  • September 15,1976

    The Governement purchases Esso undertakings, vests their control in soCL.

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  • December 30,1976

    The government merged PNO and POCL into sOCL (National Oil Co.,Ltd.) andestablished a subsidiary as PSO Lubricant Group.

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  • 1999

    The new vision program is launched with the new logo of Pso.

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  • 2008

    PSOoil has won the famous RoSPA Occupational Health and SafetyAward, and continues to work hard for the world's public welfare andenvironmental protection.PSOoil赢得了著名的RoSPA职业健康与安全奖,为世界公益环保健康不断努力。

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  • 2013

    PSOoil "Ai Formula" has improved its highest-quality passenger car oil torealize its vision of "Ai Formula".
    PSOoil " Ai Formula"改进了其最优质的乘用车机油,以实现其“先于未来"的愿景。

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  • 2015

    (PSOoil) leads the world in research and development of 3D oil film, oilmolecular rolling lubrication technology, helping to release the powerof high-end and demanding racing engines such as F1.

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  • 2017

    (PSOoil) BPTO 2380 is one of the most widely used turbine oils in thecommercial aviation industry. It has been found to counteract theeffects of copper (Cu)-excellent metal passivation results showreduced oxidation and sludge formation.
    (PSOoil)BPTO 2380是商业航空业中使用最广泛的涡轮机油之一。已发现它可以抵消铜(Cu)的影响-优异的金属钝化结果显示出减少的氧化和污泥形成。

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